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Reptoid God is caught "Red Handed". The diet of Central American
tribes consisted of Maize, Kidney and Lima Beans, chili, tomatoes, sweet
potatoes, pineapples, strawberries, peanuts, avocado pears, cassava,
squash, pumpkin, gourds, persimmons, and cacao. This diet provided
adequate vitamins and minerals. The Indian Artist painted this picture
during the reign of the Reptoids, making clear that the humans all dined
on yellow peppers, while the Reptoid ate human body parts. The Reptoid is
seen with blood on the claws of both hands and right foot. The humans have
no blood on their hands and are only eating vegetables that cannot be
mistaken for human body parts.

 | Most religions
were started by the Reptoids for purposes of control and selection. In
the Bible the "serpent" walked on 2 legs and gave man
(represented by Adam and Eve) "knowledge." Why would
God let a Reptoid "lead us astray" when they were the only 2
very important humans to watch over in the Garden of Eden?? The
message here seems to be that God did not stop the Reptoids from doing
with us as they wish. Since God won’t stop what the Reptoids do to
us, HE won’t stop us from what we must do. |
 | Recently the
aliens have been promoting prayer and calling on Jesus for protection
from alien intervention. This is an alien developed scam and just a
means of sidetracking humanity from needed defensive action. The
aliens themselves went to a lot of trouble to create the impression
that prayer is effective. Praying hasn't helped deter them in the past
and suddenly it works? Previously the aliens used prayer to identify
and eliminate human telepaths from the gene pool. With this "pray
on demand" setup, they are trying to condition us to pray when we
see them so telepaths can be quickly identified and removed. |
